Designing a RESTful Web API

Hacker News Discussion

Purpose, Scope, Miscellaneous

I decided to write this article to serve as my personal "quick start guide" for designing RESTful Web APIs. As such, this document is concerned with the how rather than the why. For the latter, check the Bibliography.

Everything is a Resource

Any interaction of a RESTful API is an interaction with a resource. In fact, the API can be considered simply as mapping and endpoint - or, resource identifier (URL) - to a resource. Resources are sources of information, typically documents or services. A user can be thought of as resource and thus has an URL such as in the case of GitHub:

Resources can have different representations. The above mentioned user has the following JSON representation (partial document):

    "login": "lrei",
    "created_at": "2008-11-21T14:48:42Z",
    "name": "Luis Rei",
    "email": "",
    "id": 35857,
    "blog": ""

Actions: HTTP Verbs and Response Codes

Resources are Nouns! This fictional API URL:

is wrong. It's obvious that delete is an action, not a resource. The way to do perform an action in a RESTful web service is to use HTTP verbs or request methods:

HTTP Verb Action (typical usage)
GET retrieves a representation of a resource without side-effects (nothing changes on the server).
HEAD retrieves just the resource meta-information (headers) i.e. same as GET but without the response body - also without side-effects.
OPTIONS returns the actions supported for specified the resource - also without side-effects.
POST creates a resource.
PUT (completely) replaces an existing resource.
PATCH partial modification of a resource.
DELETE deletes a resource.

When using PUT, POST or PATCH, send the data as a document in the body of the request. Don't use query parameters to alter state. An example from the GitHub API:

    "description": "the description for this gist",
    "public": true,
    "files": {
        "file1.txt": {
        "content": "String file contents"

There's also a proper way to do responses: using the HTTP Response Codes and Reason Phrase. The reply to the previous request includes the following header:

201 Created

If one were to make the following request afterwards:


The expected reply status code would be:

200 OK

A RESTful HTTP server application has to return the status code according to the HTTP specification. Returning the created resource in the POST requests' response body is optional, the location of the created resource is not.

For Everything Else, There Are Headers

Resources are mapped to URLs, actions are mapped to verbs and the rest goes in the headers.

Content Negotiation

Choosing between different representations of the same resource is a matter of using HTTP content negotiation:

Accept: application/json

to get the JSON representation of a resource and

Accept: application/xml

to get the XML representation of the same resource. The responses for this example requests were:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
(response body)

because the resource was available in JSON

406 Not Acceptable
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Must ACCEPT application/json: [\"application/xml\"]"

because GitHub gists are (currently) not available in XML representation. Notice that the 406 response body can be in whatever representation the server chooses, in this case it was JSON even though the client had requested something else (e.g. XML).

More broadly speaking, representation isn't just about file format, it could also be used for compression or to select between different languages:

GET /resource
Accept-Language: en-US
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-5
Accept-Encoding: gzip

There's one more big thing that the Accept header can handle for RESTful Web APIs: media type versioning. Here's an example (from that includes both the resource representation and the version of the media type being used:

    Accept: application/vnd.spire-io.session+json;version=1.0

When a particular version is no longer supported by the server, the appropriate server response is

415 Media Type Not Supported


There are two main HTTP response headers for controlling caching behavior: Expires which specifies an absolute expiry time for a cached representation and Cache-Control which specifies a relative expiry time using the max-age directive.

Both work in combination with ETag (entity tag) which is an identifier, commonly a hash, that changes when the resource changes thereby invalidating cached versions or a Last-Modified header which is just the last modified date of the resource.

The request:

Accept: application/json

had the reply:

200 OK
ETag: "2259b5bea67655550030acf98bad4184"

and a later request using

Accept: application/json
If-None-Match: "2259b5bea67655550030acf98bad4184"

will return

304 Not Modified

without a response body. The same could be accomplished using Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since headers.


Trying to create a repo on GitHub:


and the reply:

401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GitHub"

which means that making a POST request to /user/repos requires basic HTTP authentication which uses the Authorization header with the base64 encoded string "username:password":

Authorization: Basic bHJlaTp5ZWFocmlnaHQ=

Basic HTTP authentication should always be used in combination with SSL/TLS (HTTPS) since otherwise the username/password will be susceptible to interception.

OAuth2 is a common way of doing authorization for 3rd party applications using an API but beyond the scope of this document.

Rate Limiting

HTTP does not currently have any standard for rate limiting. GitHub uses:


or any other request which results in the response headers:

200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4966

This indicates that the client is limited to making 5000 API requests/hour and that the client can make 4966 requests during the next hour. By convention, non-standard headers are prefixed with X-.

The most widely known implementation of rate limiting is probably twitter's. It is similar to GitHub's but also includes a X-RateLimit-Reset which indicates when the limits will be reset. A particular API call or set of API calls may also be subject to additional limits. Twitter implements these with X-FeatureRateLimit-Limit, X-FeatureRateLimit-Remaining and X-FeatureRateLimit-Reset.

When denying a request based on rate limiting, the status code should be 403 Forbidden accompanied by by a message explaining the reason for the rejection.

HATEOAS, OPTIONS and Error Handling

A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server). Servers must have the freedom to control their own namespace (…) Failure here implies that clients are assuming a resource structure due to out-of-band information (…) A REST API should be entered with no prior knowledge beyond the initial URI. - Roy Thomas Fielding (my emphasis)

In other words, in a truly REST based architecture any URL, except the initial URL, can be changed, even to other servers, without worrying about the client.

Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State, HATEOAS, can be reduced to thinking of the API as a state machine where resources are thought of as states and the transitions between states are links between resources and are included in their representation (hypermedia).

The first state is obviously the root URL. So let's start with the root of's API:


results in:

200 OK
    "url": "",
    "resources": {
        "sessions": {
            "url": ""
        "accounts": {
            "url": ""
        "billing": {
            "url": ""

The root resource, or initial state, contains the transitions to the other resources (or states) reachable from it: "sessions", "accounts" and "billing".

It's also possible to include the transitions in the HTTP response Link header, for example:

GET /gists/starred

can result in the following response:

200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
  <>; rel="last"

In the case of non-hypermedia resources (e.g. images) the http headers will be the only way to add API metadata to the resource such as state transitions. I think it's generally a good idea to always include the transitions in the headers as it becomes possible to perform a transition without parsing the request body.


Another useful bit of information is what actions can be performed on a given resource. The way to find that out is to use the HTTP request method OPTIONS:


and the response:

Status Code: 200
access-control-allow-methods: GET,POST
access-control-allow-origin: *

From the HTTP/1.1 Method Definitions:

A 200 response [to an OPTIONS request] SHOULD include any header fields that indicate optional features implemented by the server and applicable to that resource (e.g., Allow), possibly including extensions not defined by this specification.

This seems like a good place to include information about resource specific rate limits without the need to make a request that will count against such limits.

Error Handling

An error response should consist of the following:

  • The appropriate HTTP error status code and any other relevant headers;
  • A human readable message in the appropriate format (including a link to the documentation);
  • A Link header to a meaningful state transition if appropriate.

An example from the twilio api:


results in:

401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twilio API"
    "status": 401,
    "message": "Authenticate",
    "code": 20003,
    "more_info": "http:\/\/\/docs\/errors\/20003"


Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures, Chapter 5: Representational State Transfer (REST) - R. Fielding

It is okay to use POST - R. Fielding

REST APIs must be hypertext-driven - R. Fielding

Nobody Understands REST or HTTP - Steve Klabnik

Get some REST on twitter - Steve Klabnik

Nobody Understands REST or HTTP - Steve Klabnik

Versioning REST Web Services - Peter Williams

Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 - R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee

HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication - J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, L. Stewart

RESTful Error Handling - Ethan Cerami

RESTful HTTP in practice - Gregor Roth

How To GET a Cup of Coffee - Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, Ian Robinson

REST in Practice (Book) - Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, Ian Robinson

RESTful Web Services (Book) - Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby

RESTful Web Services Cookbook (Book) - Subbu Allamaraju

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